UR24 Himeji City, Hyogo prefecture 16 -21 June 2024 UR24 Himeji+ was the largest Understanding Risk Global Forum to date with more than 1,700 attendees arriving in Himeji City. UR24 was a true platform for collaboration, knowledge sharing, and innovation in Disaster Risk Management. UR22 Florianópolis, Brazil 28 November - 02 December 2022 The Understanding Risk Global Forum (UR22) was a hybrid event with the main location in Florianopolis, Brazil. Satellite events took place in London (UK), Wellington, (New Zealand), Niamey (Niger) and British Columbia(Canada). UR22 had 600 attendees in Florianopolis, 100 at each of the satellites and 1500 on line. UR22 reached a total of over 2500 attendees in-person and online, thank you all for sharing your knowledge, the most Global event so far. UR Asia Singapore & Online 2-3 December 2021 UR Asia 2021 brought together experts and practitioners from Asia and all around the world to showcase the best practices and latest innovations in the field of disaster risk identification and communication. 2020 Understanding Risk Forum Global December 1 - December 3, 2020 UR2020 Went fully virtual ! A truely global forum with 6344 attendees from 179 countries, please visit the recorded content. UR British Columbia 2020 Vancouver, BC Summer through fall, 2020 Understanding Risk (UR) BC 2020 is a collaborative, online symposium that will foster place-based risk reduction strategies to proactively enhance resilience and improve disaster recovery pathways in BC. 
UR Centroamérica San José, Costa Rica Febrero 12-14, 2020 Acompáñenos del 12 al 14 de febrero de 2020 en San José, Costa Rica, para la primera Conferencia de Understanding Risk (UR) en Centroamérica.
UR Центральная Азия – Central Asia Almaty, Kazakhstan Присоединяйтесь к представителям правительств, частного сектора, научных и пр. кругов из пяти центральноазиатских стран на первом Форуме "UR Центральная Азия". Understanding Risk Tanzania 2019: Sustainable Solutions for Resilient Urbanization Dar es Salaam October 2 + 3 2019 Tanzania's first zero waste event brought 250+ participants to discuss issues of urban resilience. UR Afrique de l’Ouest et Centrale – West and Central Africa Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire / Ivory Coast 20 - 22 Nov 2019 Thème « Capital Humain et Innovation, Moteurs de la Résilience » du 20 au 22 Novembre 2019 à Abidjan (Côte d’Ivoire).
Theme "Human Capital and Innovation for a Resilient Society" from 20 to 22 November 2019 in Abidjan (Ivory Coast).
UR Europe: Innovate for Resilience Bucharest, Romania 27 - 29 November 2019 Join us for a regional Europe event to foster greater regional collaboration! 2019 #VizRisk Challenge May 15 - July 15, 2019 Join this global challenge to explore how maps and visualization techniques can help citizens and governments understand and use risk data. Learn about data viz and risk communication, and compete for prizes! UR Field Lab: Chiang Mai Urban Flooding Chiang Mai, Thailand June 3rd - 28th, 2019 A one-month long arts and technology un-conference in Chiang Mai, Thailand exploring critical design practices in disaster risk management, collaborative technology production, hacking and art. Understanding Risk Caribbean Barbados May 27 - May 31, 2019 UR Caribbean took place May 27-31 in Barbados. UR Finance Pacific 2018 Port Vila, Vanuatu 16-19 October 2018 The Understanding Risk Finance Pacific forum took place in Port Vila, Vanuatu, bringing together policymakers, financial risk managers, and development partners to strengthen regional collaboration on climate and disaster risk finance in the Pacific. URfP participants explored the challenges and opportunities of managing disaster risk in Pacific Island Countries and Small Island States. UR Tanzania 2018 Dar es Salaam, Tanzania August 29–30, 2018 Urban Resilience for Tanzania. URTZ 2018 will focus on the understanding of urban risk – showcasing new spatial tools and risk data developed in Tanzania that can empower stakeholders to identify and reduce risks. UR Balkans 2018 Belgrade, Serbia 17-19 September 2018 The UR+ Balkans Conference will convene leading experts and practitioners from diverse sectors to consider the future of risk, climate change, and resilience in the region. Understanding Risk British Columbia 2018 Victoria, British Columbia, Canada April 16-17, 2018 Toward a Resilient British Columbia: Implementing strategies to reduce natural hazard risk in BC's Built Environment. April 16 & 17, 2018, at the Victoria Conference Centre. 2018 Understanding Risk Forum Mexico City, Mexico May 14 - 18, 2018 Check out highlights and reflections from #UR2018 in Mexico City, México! May 14-18, 2018 UR TZ 2017 Dar es Salaam, Tanzania 31 May - 2 June 2017 What did you miss in Tanzania? Check out our post-conference summary UR2018 Planning Meeting Washington, DC May 4, 2017 Learn what was discussed at the UR2018 planning meeting, held on May 4 in Washington, DC. Understanding Risk Vancouver 2017 Vancouver, Canada March 29 - 31, 2017 An exploration of actionable strategies to reduce earthquake and flood risks in the Georgia Basin, Vancouver, Canada. Understanding Risk Austria 2016 Vienna, Austria January 20 - 21, 2016 During January 20th and 21st, Understanding Risk Austria event will bring together the major Austrian players in the fields of warnings, risk management and prevention as part of the Understanding Risk Community. 2016 Understanding Risk Forum Venice, Italy May 16 - 20, 2016 Thank you for joining us in Venice! We saw more than 650 attendees from 100 countries and over 350 institutions, making this the most global forum yet. Understanding Risk & Finance Conference Addis Ababa, Ethiopia Nov. 17 - 20, 2015 The Understanding Risk and Finance (UR&F) conference is part of the program, “Building Disaster Resilience to Natural Hazards in Sub–Saharan African Regions, Countries, and Communities”. Understanding Risk Boulder 2015 Boulder, Colorado, USA Oct. 23 - 25, 2015 UR Boulder convened the talent and expertise of Boulder, Colorado's communities, scientists, technologists, and government to develop shared understanding of the challenges we face relating to risk. UR Boulder is a local spinoff of UR events. 2014 Understanding Risk Forum London, UK June 30 - July 4, 2014 Under the theme "Producing Actionable Information", UR2014 convened 840 participants from more than 60 countries, representing 285 institutions that covered government agencies, the private sector, NGOs, research institutions, academia and civil society. Understanding Risk Haiti 2014 Petion-Ville, Port-au-Prince July 14-18, 2014 Understanding Risk Haiti 2014 brought together Haitian and international experts in disaster risk assessment with a specific focus on the Caribbean country. 2012 Understanding Risk Forum Cape Town July 2 - July 6, 2012 The second biennial UR Forum convened 500 risk assessment experts from more than 86 countries under the theme "Best Practices in Disaster Risk Assessment". Understanding Risk Brazil 2012 Belo Horizonte, Brazil November 12-14, 2012 URBR focused on multidisciplinary discussions of risk management among specialists, policy-makers, academics and government officials in the Brazilian context. 2010 Understanding Risk Forum Washington, DC June 1 - 4, 2010 The first Understanding Risk Forum was held in Washington, DC in June 2010 with the theme "Innovation in Disaster Risk Assessment".